No one wants to be a backseat driver for their birth! KNOW you have choices and be EMPOWERED to “Take the Wheel” of your birth! We know you have a vision for your ideal birth and the Delivered Workshop gives you the information you need to make the birthing decisions that are right for you and your family!
How does KNOWING that you have choices and being EMPOWERED to “Take the wheel and get in the driver seat” of your pregnancy feel? At this special event, we share with you about the choices and options you might not know you have.
After caring for pregnant moms and new moms for more than 15 years, there’s one thing we know for sure… there is NO one perfect pregnancy and delivery that fits everyone. In fact, planning for the perfect pregnancy and delivery means planning for the imperfect moments and the bumps in the road!
We also know that many moms-to-be (and dads) don’t realize how MANY CHOICES you have when it comes to your care, support options, and steps to achieving your perfect pregnancy (whatever that may be!).
This is exactly why we’re personally inviting you to join us to learn HOW to design the pregnancy and delivery that’s best for you AND what to do if things don’t go quite as planned. In fact, Dr. David and his wife had their own surprise 16 years ago when they discovered they were expecting twins!
We can’t wait to share this information with you so register today and join us learn how to “take the wheel” and have the birth of your dreams. Coffee and light refreshments will be provided!
Who Should Attend the Delivered Workshop?
• Parents-to-be who want to know more about the choices available for their birth.
• Parents who have already had one (or more) kids and want to know more about their options for their baby-to-be.
• Support systems for parents-to-be who will help them during their birth or ensure their birth plan gets followed.
• Doulas, midwives, and other professionals that support parents through the birthing process.